Crowdfund your Downpayment – Helping Newlyweds Afford A Home!
Congrats to Angela, one of our Vow2Save brides who used Vow2Save for her wedding website and to help her crowdfund a down payment for their future home. She created such a perfect our site we had to share! PLUS++++ we are so proud to say she has now been preapproved to buy a home with her new husband! We truly believe in our Vow2Save program and know it will help many newlyweds afford their first home and be able to purchase sooner than they thought they would. We took some time to interview Angela about her Vow2Save experience so we could share more with you all.
Best Wedding Website Option
When you use Vow2Save you are able to customize your website and make it your own. This allows it to double as your registry site and a wedding website with all the information on your wedding and reception. When asking Angela if making her Vow2Save site (happygrahamily) was easy, she told us there are so many options for customizations and edits, but it is clear you don’t have to use every feature. She says this made it easy and simple. Having a liaison that answers any and all questions she had and that helped her edit her site, was one of the best parts. Her site was up in less than a day but she could make changes as often as she wanted or needed. She plans to have the site up for awhile after the wedding for people to reminisce.

Angela’s homepage on her Vow2Save site! Her husband Rick is in a band called Idlewar and they had a Wedfest style wedding. Notice how she customized exactly to her wants and needs. It’s so easy to make it your own.
Crowdfunding a down payment

The main purpose behind Vow2Save is for newlyweds to be able to crowdfund their down payment instead of receive wedding gifts. Instead of the typical pizza oven or blender, brides and grooms are able to purchase a home with their wedding gifts. We use PayPal to transfer money from the Vow2Save site into your own bank account. We asked Angela how hard it was for her to get the money from the site to her bank account and she told us it was easier than tying shoes! The hardest part of the whole thing is setting up your PayPal account if you don’t already have one, which is super easy! Within 1-2 days of a donation being made you are able to transfer it from PayPal to your bank account! We also let everyone know of the transfer fee on the Vow2Save donation page, so that people can choose to cover that fee on top of their donation so it doesn’t come out of their actual donation amount. Vow2Save doesn’t charge brides & grooms any fees, you only have to pay the Paypal fee IF your friends or family opt not to include that cost in their donation. Thankfully, the fees are completely minor compared to the piles of cash using this platform provides.
Angela and her groom Rick got married on October 13th and are already approved to buy their home thanks to Vow2Save and their family and friends donations! They were able to get preapproved because the bank saw the significant amount of money they had saved in their account for a down payment. Angela says thanks to Vow2Save and their donations they were able to get preapproved and (soon) will be able to purchase a home much quicker than they would have without it. Vow2Save helped her put a big chunk of cash into her bank account to help her with the preapproval process.
Most newlyweds aren’t able to purchase a home right away and spend many years throwing away money in rent, but because of Vow2Save, more Köpa cipro couples will be able to skip renting and purchase their home right away to begin their marriage just like Angela and Rick. We can’t wait to share with you when they choose the perfect home for them!

If you are engaged or know someone who is and you want this to be their reality sign up on Vow2Save!