Crowd Funding for Newly Weds
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Crowdfund your Downpayment – Helping Newlyweds Afford A Home!

Congrats to Angela, one of our Vow2Save brides who used Vow2Save for her wedding website and to help her crowdfund a down payment for their future home. She created such a perfect our site we had to share! PLUS++++ we are so proud to say she has now been preapproved to buy a home with her new husband! We…

Home Choice

Your Style is Reflected in Both Your Home Choice and Hair Choice

There are many things that reflect your style. It can range from your hairstyle to your home. It’s because people are pretty consistent with their tastes. And if you have definite tastes with how you look, you probably have a favorite Orange County hair stylist or makeup artist who can style your hair and put…

Gift Box

Need a Unique Gift?

Need a unique gift for your bridal party? A beautiful, personalized accessory for your wedding? Or, a special work memento for yourself? Visit Once Upon a Cork offers unique jewelry that helps you remember your special occasion everyday, and 24h over the counter in style! Using the finest materials as beautiful Swarovski® crystals, Sterling…